Remote Learning

The approach to remote provision at Ruislip High School builds upon evidence from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) which suggests that teaching quality is more important than how lessons are delivered and that different approaches to remote learning suit different tasks and types of content. Teachers therefore follow a blended approach which will include pre-prepared material (asynchronous teaching) such as worksheets or tasks, along with asynchronous videos using software such as Loom to allow teachers to explain and model content to students. Where possible, there will also be opportunities for ‘live’ or synchronous teaching via Zoom.

Students will be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school although the sequencing of topics may be adjusted to suit remote learning.

When students are working at home, either due to national lockdown or because they are self-isolating following government guidance, students should follow their usual school day timetable and aim to work for the five hours of lesson time, although older students should aim to work for slightly longer. Work will be set by teachers using Google Classroom. Should a student require additional support to access online learning, the school may be able to offer the loan of laptop or wifi router.

Students can also access extended learning by clicking on the links to the left hand side of this page. Students should also read for at least 20 minutes per day.

Each day students are learning remotely, students should log in to Google Classroom and follow their timetable. At the end of each lesson, they should complete their remote learning log for that lesson and submit the work. At the end of each day, parents/guardians should check the remote learning log which must be submitted to the tutor either at the end of each week or the end of the self-isolation period. Class teachers will check all work and tutors will contact home where there are any concerns.