Careers and Work Related Learning

At Ruislip High school students receive a comprehensive careers programme, which includes impartial information, advice and guidance. The programme supports students and allows them to make well-informed, reasoned decisions about their future education and careers by giving students knowledge of the available paths and options into the world of work.

Students will receive information through lessons, assemblies, options events, the tutorial programme, careers days, off-site visits, and group workshops on different career paths and entry routes.

Ruislip High School’s careers provision aims to enable students to make informed, realistic choices about their future, in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks and in compliance with the Baker Clause.

We measure and assess the impact of our careers programme on pupils through an annual careers evaluation impact report produced by an independent third party from the Education Development Trust. We also measure and assess through the Gatsby Benchmarks framework, using the Compass+ tool in conjunction with the Careers and Enterprise Company. Additionally, we measure impact through student and parent surveys, individual student feedback on each careers one-to-one session that they participate in, and evaluation forms completed by participants after careers events and options evenings. 

Key staff

For information about how parents, students, teachers and employers may access more information about our careers programme, please contact Assistant Headteacher and Careers Leader: Mr J Shelley.

Telephone: 01895 464 064 Email: 

We also have an Independent Careers Adviser: Mrs Neldrett (Education Development Trust).

Mrs Neldrett is in school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to support students from all year groups with one to one independent and impartial advice and guidance regarding their future career and further education options. Should you wish to book a careers appointment, please contact your child’s form tutor in the first instance.

Please see below for the details of the careers programme for each key stage, useful documents to help you make career choices, and useful websites.

Useful websites:

The world’s biggest database of post-16 and post-18 opportunities, as well as a one-stop-shop where students can easily explore their interests, then find and successfully apply for their chosen pathway after school.

Careermap offers a complete guide to apprenticeships, courses and university opportunities along with useful articles offering education and career advice. It has separate magazines for students and parents.

The Buzz Quiz: 
This quick quiz helps students work out which careers might suit them in the future.

London Labour Market Information: 
This website shows you where future jobs and career pathways are being created across London, as well as how to qualify and apply for these.

Use this site to explore all university courses available and find out what their entry requirements are, and how to apply.

Find an apprenticeship: 
This is the government database for all current apprenticeship vacancies.

School Leaver Programmes: 
Use this site to see which companies are offering higher and degree level apprenticeships. 

Hillingdon Post-16 Prospectus 2022-23:
This online prospectus contains details of the post-16 providers in Hillingdon.

National Careers Service: 
This service provides careers information, advice and guidance and can help you to make decisions on learning, training and work at all stages in your career.

The next review of the information published will take place in July 2024.

LMI For All

Click here for further information on LMI.

Use this tool to compare jobs in terms of their average pay, future availability and much more.